Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
In several European Union member states, national laws for patent, utility model and design protection permit non-infringement proceedings.   1 February 2010
Jurisdiction reports
As in many other European countries, in Germany, companies may invoke protection under unfair competition rules against passing-off if their characteristic and well-known products are copied.   1 February 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Copyright law was initially conceived to provide protection against the unauthorised reproduction of books in the print media.   1 February 2010
Jurisdiction reports
The Israel patent database is now available online on the Israel Patent Office website (www.ilpatsearch.justice.gov.il/UI/) and via the WIPO’s Patentscope (www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/index).   1 February 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Since April 2009, as a result of an amendment to Japan’s Patent Law, it has been possible to register a ‘provisional’ licence after a patent application has been filed but before a patent has been granted.   1 February 2010
Jurisdiction reports
International Nonproprietary Names (INNs) are recognised by the World Health Organization (WHO) as unique names to identify pharmaceutical substances or active ingredients that are globally recognised as public property.   1 February 2010
Jurisdiction reports
The Court of Appeal of The Hague passed final judgment on October 6, 2009 in the patent case between Zilka and Rüegg, more than five years after the appeal proceedings were instituted.   1 February 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Peru’s economic growth in the last decade has been accompanied by a concurrent increase in the activity of the Peruvian Patent and Trademark Office (INDECOPI) and Peruvian Customs.   1 February 2010
Jurisdiction reports
The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines declares that an effective intellectual and industrial property system is vital to the development of domestic and creative activity, facilitates transfer of technology, attracts foreign investments and ensures market access for Philippine products.   1 February 2010
Jurisdiction reports
In 2005, South Africa’s government adopted a policy of protecting various forms of traditional knowledge and permitting its commercial development.   1 February 2010

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