Jurisdiction Reports

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To secure a patent right in Cyprus, you need to validate it with the Cyprus Patent Registrar. This can be done nationally, internationally or on a European basis.   1 January 2010
Israel uses the Nice Version of the International Classification. From September 1, 2010, after implementation of the Madrid Protocol, multi-class applications will be permitted.   1 January 2010
Taiwan’s current Patent Act stipulates a first-to-file system. Taiwan is not a member of the Paris Convention; as such, only national protection is available.   1 January 2010
Our current Industrial Property Law provides that in order to obtain protection of an invention, an application should be filed before the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO).   1 January 2010
Patent protection in Norway can be obtained by a national application or by an international application (PCT).   1 January 2010
One can choose to acquire a patent in the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg) via a national patent application or a European patent (EP) application, in which the three Benelux countries will be designated.   1 January 2010

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