Jurisdiction Reports
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Jurisdiction reports
Although copying other people’s work has been around for ages (as painters of old will confirm) we seem to have entered an actual ‘age of copying’. 1 June 2014
Jurisdiction reports
To obtain legal protection for an interior or exterior store design in Turkey a company can register it in one of two way: as a trademark or as an industrial design. 1 June 2014
Jurisdiction reports
The number of trademark registration applications in China jumped last year, according to recent statistics. They totalled 1,881,546 in 2013, 14.15 percent more than in 2012. By the end of the year, the cumulative number of trademark registration applications in China was 13,241,337, and 8,652,358 had matured into registrations, of which 7,237,894 remained valid. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
In recent years, branded drug manufacturers have engaged in a tactic designed to stifle competition from lower-cost generic medicines. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
While the new Regulation (EU) 608/2013, concerning customs control of IP rights, has been in force since January 1, 2014, the French Senate had a second and final reading on February 26 of a draft law strengthening the fight against counterfeiting, which was then adopted. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
In the brief period in which they have been at work, the judges of the Court for Intellectual Property Rights have faced many issues for which current Russian legislation does not provide direct solutions. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
It would be good to think that intellectual property law and regulations in Mexico cover all the aspects and possible issues that might arise from their own provisions, but that is not the case. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
On January 1, 2014, a new Designs Act (Designgesetz—DesignG) came into force in Germany. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
Brazil is the largest consumer of agrichemicals in the world, with agrichemical sales there hitting $11 billion last year, according to crop protection news website Agrow, but its patent system still has to be developed if innovative firms aiming for an adequate return on their investment are to receive the appropriate patent protection. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
The Internet has thrown protection of copyright into a whole new dimension. 1 April 2014
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