Jurisdiction Reports
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Jurisdiction reports
Copyright in Finland is currently in flux. 1 November 2013
Jurisdiction reports
The first Malaysian appellant court decision on geographical indications arose from a recent appeal by Chocosuisse Union des Fabricants Suisses de Chocolat, Kraft Foods Schweiz AG and Nestlé Suisse SA (the appellants) against a decision of the High Court which found in favour of the Maestro Swiss group of companies. 1 November 2013
Jurisdiction reports
In an era where every transaction can take place through the Internet, trademark holders would like to immediately prevent each and every illegal use in the blink of an eye. 1 November 2013
Jurisdiction reports
On May 25, 2012, the Mexican Senate approved the accession of Mexico to the Madrid Protocol. 1 November 2013
Jurisdiction reports
Australia is the first country in the world to have mandatory plain packaging for tobacco products. Tobacco packs in Australia have to be olive green, with 75 percent of the front and 90 percent of the back covered in health warnings and pictures of the effects of tobacco use. The European parliament has proposed similar rules in revisions to the Tobacco Products Directive. 1 November 2013
Jurisdiction reports
It is not unusual for several companies within an industry to be named as co-defendants within a patent infringement lawsuit. 1 November 2013
Jurisdiction reports
The first instance administrative court had agreed with the nullity action of the trademark, but the second instance changed this verdict because it does not make sense to annul a trademark which is also an appellation of origin, even if it is stipulated in the IP law. 1 November 2013
Jurisdiction reports
Chilean IP practice shows a strong record against trademark piracy. 1 November 2013
Jurisdiction reports
On August 30, 2013, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature, concluded its session, adopting the third amendment to the Trademark Law that aims to better protect exclusive trademark rights. 1 November 2013
Jurisdiction reports
In September, the Brazilian patent and trademark office filed 33 lawsuits seeking to invalidate more than 200 patents owned by about 120 foreign companies, covering important products sold in the country. 1 November 2013
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