Jurisdiction Reports
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National patent applications are filed at the UK Intellectual Property Office by filing a specification with a description and claims. 1 June 2012
Jurisdiction reports
The Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) has started a series of public consultations on patent examination procedures. 1 June 2012
Patent applications are prosecuted at the National Office of Intellectual Property, which is a department of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining. 1 June 2012
In order to secure exclusive patent rights in the Romanian territory one can apply for a national patent before SOIT either by filing a national patent application or by entering the national phase of a PCT application. 1 June 2012
Any person wishing to obtain a patent in Cameroon must file an application, via a resident agent, directly with the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI). 1 June 2012
Protection of a patent in Norway is obtained by a national application, by nationalisation of a Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) application within the 31-month term, or by validation of a European patent. 1 June 2012
National patent applications are filed before the Italian Patent and Trademark Office. Registrations confer rights in the Italian territory. 1 June 2012
Ireland is party to the European Patent Convention and Patent Cooperation Treaty. Irish patents may be obtained nationally through the Irish Patents Office, or regionally as a European Patent designating Ireland. 1 June 2012
Malaysia provides a comprehensive legal framework governing the various intellectual property rights. 1 June 2012
Jurisdiction reports
The Romanian courts have recently been confronted with an issue that has not been previously been brought before them. The issue relates to the enforcement of a European patent which has been modified during opposition proceedings. 1 June 2012
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