Jurisdiction Reports
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Jurisdiction reports
The Internet has thrown protection of copyright into a whole new dimension. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
Brazil is the largest consumer of agrichemicals in the world, with agrichemical sales there hitting $11 billion last year, according to crop protection news website Agrow, but its patent system still has to be developed if innovative firms aiming for an adequate return on their investment are to receive the appropriate patent protection. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
The number of trademark registration applications in China jumped last year, according to recent statistics. They totalled 1,881,546 in 2013, 14.15 percent more than in 2012. By the end of the year, the cumulative number of trademark registration applications in China was 13,241,337, and 8,652,358 had matured into registrations, of which 7,237,894 remained valid. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
On January 1, 2014, a new Designs Act (Designgesetz—DesignG) came into force in Germany. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
While the new Regulation (EU) 608/2013, concerning customs control of IP rights, has been in force since January 1, 2014, the French Senate had a second and final reading on February 26 of a draft law strengthening the fight against counterfeiting, which was then adopted. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
Hungary is one of the countries in which trademark law allows the filing of certification trademarks, and Article 101 of the TM Act (Act XI of 1997) defines the rules governing the conditions and use of such trademarks. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
As well as the discussions in the Japan Patent Office (JPO) about changing Japan’s patent law, described in my last WIPR report, there have also been talks in the JPO about changing Japan’s design law, based on the Japan Patent Office Annual Report 2013. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
After years of debate and extensive discussion, the Canadian government tabled five international IP treaties in the House of Commons—all on one day. 1 April 2014
Jurisdiction reports
The Brazilian IP community has great expectations for 2014, despite distracting events: a carnival in March, the FIFA World Cup in June and elections in October. 1 February 2014
Jurisdiction reports
A landmark decision of the Supreme Court of Canada has been released which will serve as an important precedent in many fundamental areas of Canadian copyright law, including the test for determining if a “substantial part” of a work has been copied, assessment of damages, use of experts in a copyright context and the vicarious liability of directors for infringement. 1 February 2014
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