Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
Canadian trademark jurisprudence saw numerous interesting developments during 2010. Our courts and Opposition Board adopted new approaches to certain ‘old’ concepts and reinforced others.   1 April 2011
Jurisdiction reports
On January 1, 2011, new changes to the Implementing Regulations of the European Patent Convention (EPC) entered into force.   1 April 2011
Jurisdiction reports
In France, intellectual property rights’ holders have been using and working with customs authorities for many years—and well before European harmonisation—to stop the importation of counterfeit goods.   1 April 2011
Jurisdiction reports
When can it be said that a patent has been granted? To date, a patent has been held as granted on the grant date indicated on the letters patent document.   1 April 2011
Jurisdiction reports
The doctrine of equivalence is commonly used to interpret the scope of an invention in patent and utility model litigation case law.   1 April 2011
Jurisdiction reports
As an alternative to ordinary court proceedings in Norway, you may approach the Committee for the Control of Unfair Competition to decide whether a competitor’s actions comply with good business practice or not.   1 April 2011
Jurisdiction reports
At 2:46 pm on March 11, 2011, an earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale occurred in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of the Tohoku region of northeastern Japan.   1 April 2011
The Grand National Assembly of Turkey enacted the draft Commercial Code on January 12, 2011. The new TCC will enter into force on July 12, 2012, and outlines possible commercial proceedings and actions.   1 April 2011
After much anticipation, the first waves of IP law reform finally reached Malaysia on February 15, 2011, when amendments to the Trade Marks and Patents Regulations came into force.   1 April 2011
Mexican newspapers recently reported on the first of a series of public hearings arranged by the Mexican Senate to analyse all aspects of ACTA in order to assess Mexico’s subscription to this treaty.   1 April 2011

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