Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
“Biodiversity, our greatest resource, remains untapped,” stated Senator Edgardo Angara when introducing Senate Bill No. 3140, the Bioindustry Development Act of 2009.   1 April 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Article 181 of the Mexican Law of Industrial Property (MLIP) establishes that when a trademark application is filed by a legal representative, the legal capacity of the latter must be proved through a power of attorney signed by the applicant.   1 April 2010
Jurisdiction reports
The trademarks examination branch of Canada’s Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) has issued a new practice notice, in effect since March 11, pertaining to the granting of extensions for examining applications.   1 April 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Romania’s national Trademark Law contains provisions on the absolute grounds for refusing an application that is very similar to those in most European countries.   1 April 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Thailand’s Intellectual Property and International Trade Court (IT&IP Court) was established in 1996. It handles cases under the Rules for Intellectual Property and International Trade Cases (1997).   1 April 2010
Jurisdiction reports
In order to extract value out of their IP, proprietors employ various commercial strategies, ranging from licensing to entering into joint ventures and collaborative arrangements, which may at times be considered to be anti-competitive.   1 April 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Although Turkey has followed international developments and harmonised its Trademark Law with EU legislation, the registration of non-traditional marks such as product packaging and product shape has not fallen into place.   1 April 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Individuals and small companies who own US patents encounter hurdles when faced with suing infringers, including the significant legal costs associated with representation.   1 April 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Brazil’s President Lula has enacted Provisional Measure No. 482, providing statutory authority to government agencies to issue compulsory licences, expropriate IP rights and suspend the obligation to maintain an IP regime with minimum standards, as provided by the TRIPs agreement.   1 April 2010
Jurisdiction reports
The licensing of intellectual property rights is a lucrative endeavour; therefore, it is important that licences are dealt with correctly.   1 February 2010

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