Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
Article 7/1-ı of the Turkish Trademark Decree Law no. 556 established a legal basis in 1995 for the Turkish Patent Institute (TPI) to refuse trademark applications on the basis that an application is similar to a well-known trademark. However, at the time, there was no mechanism available to the TPI for establishing whether a given trademark was well known or not.   29 July 2014
Jurisdiction reports
The US patent bar was taken by surprise when the US Supreme Court handed down two unanimous and pivotal decisions on April 29   29 July 2014
Jurisdiction reports
A measure to reduce fees for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) for requests for substantive examinations and annuities, set out in the Industrial Competitiveness Enhancement Act that was adopted on December 4, 2013 by Japan’s Diet, came into effect on April 1, 2014. The measure will remain in effect until March 31, 2018.   29 July 2014
Jurisdiction reports
Scientific theories and mathematical rules must be correct throughout if they are to be accepted as true because a single mistake will result in the collapse of the entire rule or theory. Similarly, the rules on patent applications must be flawless.   29 July 2014
Jurisdiction reports
Where shall we start? Perhaps with the good news. Canada’s trademark legislation has a peculiar creature known as an official mark.   29 July 2014
Jurisdiction reports
Alexandre Zouari is a famous French hairstylist. His clients include Carla Bruni—the former first lady of France, Elizabeth Taylor, Shirley Bassey and Sophia Loren, among others. Back in 1987, Zouari was invited by Japanese cosmetics company Shiseido to co-found the Alexandre Zouari Beauty Institute in Paris, which was described as the world’s most luxurious beauty and hairstyling salon and opened 16 branches in Japan.   29 July 2014
Jurisdiction reports
The tort of passing off is typically centred upon the basic principle that “a man is not to sell his own goods under the pretence that they are the goods of another man”—otherwise commonly known as the classic form of passing off.   1 June 2014
Jurisdiction reports
Many risks arise when a company formed in one jurisdiction enters into an exclusive commercial licence and distribution arrangement with a company formed in another jurisdiction, particularly when the contract involves granting the licensee an exclusive licence to operate in a defined territory which is not home to either of the parties.   1 June 2014
Jurisdiction reports
Although copying other people’s work has been around for ages (as painters of old will confirm) we seem to have entered an actual ‘age of copying’.   1 June 2014
Jurisdiction reports
To obtain legal protection for an interior or exterior store design in Turkey a company can register it in one of two way: as a trademark or as an industrial design.   1 June 2014

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