Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
In resolving conflicts of marks in inter partes cases or infringement cases which necessarily involve the determination of whether the marks involved are confusingly similar, courts are consistent on only one point: each case is unique and must be decided based on the circumstances peculiar to it.   1 September 2013
Jurisdiction reports
The Brazilian government has been attacking the intellectual protection afforded by the WTO TRIPS Agreement to the research-based pharmaceutical industry.   1 September 2013
Jurisdiction reports
The American sports equipment company, Icon Health & Fitness won a declaratory judgment on entitlement to a utility model patent application for a multi-function body training apparatus at the second instance of the IP court.   1 September 2013
Jurisdiction reports
In South Africa there is no substantive examination of the claims of a patent application. Once the required formalities of an application have been met, it proceeds to acceptance, publication and grant.   1 September 2013
Jurisdiction reports
Partly with a focus on becoming a World Trade Organization (WTO) member, Russia has been actively reforming its patent laws and regulations during the past decade.   1 September 2013
Jurisdiction reports
The Malaysian position with respect to industrial designs has finally caught up with other international jurisdictions.   1 September 2013
Jurisdiction reports
A great deal has been written concerning patent non-practising entities, also commonly referred to as patent assertion entities and by the pejorative label ‘patent trolls’   20 August 2013
Jurisdiction reports
Geographical indications are provided legal protection in Hungary by means of national protection and by community legal protection.   1 August 2013
Jurisdiction reports
As in many other jurisdictions, Dutch courts have been a playing field for the patent battle between Samsung and Apple.   1 August 2013
Jurisdiction reports
Amendments to the Intellectual Property (IP) Code made by the Universally Accessible Cheaper and Quality Medicines Act of 2008 (QUAMA) took effect on July 4, 2008.   1 August 2013

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