Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
Although the Turkish Trademark Decree Law no: 556 allows the registration of signs such as trade dress, shapes or product packages, sounds, colours, etc, it has always been tricky to obtain registration for these types of non-traditional trademarks.   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
If you ever visit Taiwan, you will not want to miss the famous ice dessert, so-called ‘frog eggs’ or ‘pearls in sweet sauce’, available in the night markets.   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
The Benelux, and in particular the Netherlands, form a large port for the import of goods from outside the European Economic Area (EEA).   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
Decision 486, which regulates the industrial property of member countries in the Andean Community, defines an appellation of origin in Article 201.   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
To date, there has been a general consensus that counterfeiting represents a huge obstacle in the development of an economy.   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
A two-judge bench of the Supreme Court has confirmed the finding of the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) and the Indian Patent office and rejected the patent application filed by Novartis for Glivec in 1998.   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
The Brazilian food and drug administration (ANVISA) regulation RDC 21 of 2013, effective from April 16, 2013, covering pharmaceutical patents, caught the IP and the investment community by surprise.   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
Generally, appeals against the decisions of the Registrar of Trade Marks are heard by the High Court with the possibility of a further appeal to the Court of Appeal, and a final appeal to the Federal Court if certain preconditions are met.   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
The objective of this article is to show the significance of submitting claims and evidence in trademark status and opposition proceedings before the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO) in a timely manner.   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
The Russian court system has recently been supplemented with the Court of Intellectual Property—a welcome change for IP practitioners and owners of Russian patents.   1 May 2013

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