Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
As a step towards harmonising Bulgarian intellectual property legislation with EU legislation, the Bulgarian Trademark Law was substantially amended.   1 February 2012
Jurisdiction reports
Cameroon is often described as ‘Africa in miniature’. It attracts a lot of businesses, and has the highest number of trademark filings in central Africa.   1 February 2012
Jurisdiction reports
In 2011, US trademark case law presented several updates and continuations of ongoing battles. These cases dealt with keyword advertising, dilution, and aesthetic functionality.   1 February 2012
Jurisdiction reports
The search and examination of European patent applications occur in separate stages, meaning an applicant receives the search report before he has to decide whether he wishes the application to be examined.   1 February 2012
Jurisdiction reports
Law 2011-2012 of December 29, 2011, relating to the reinforcement of the safety of drugs and medicinal products, has modified the French public health code.   1 February 2012
Jurisdiction reports
From January 1, 2011, European Patents can be validated in Hungary by filing just the Hungarian translation of the claims, if the patent specification is available in English.   1 February 2012
Jurisdiction reports
The Malaysian Federal Court recently clarified the High Court’s position in appeals against decisions of the registrar of trademarks in Yong Teng Hing B/S Hong Kong Trading Co. v Walton International Limited.   1 February 2012
Jurisdiction reports
Brazil's judiciary is fixing a Trade-Related Aspects of TRIPS Agreement violation that mandates prior approval for all patents claiming pharmaceutical inventions for human use.   1 February 2012
Jurisdiction reports
On January 31, 2012, the IP High Court of Japan delivered a groundbreaking appellate decision concerning the registrability of a trademark.   1 February 2012
Jurisdiction reports
The Mexican Law of Industrial Property does not regulate consent letters and/or coexistence agreements, but over the years the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (MIIP) has accepted them on a case-by-case basis.   1 February 2012

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