Jurisdiction Reports

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Patent applications must be filed in writing with the National Board of Patents and Registration (the NBPR). The patent application forms are available on the Internet.   1 January 2011
One can choose to acquire a patent in the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg) via a national patent application or a European patent (EP) application, in which the three Benelux countries will be designated.   1 January 2011
Protection by patent in Norway is obtained by a national application, by nationalisation of a PCT application before the 31-month term, or by validation of a European patent.   1 January 2011
Jurisdiction reports
The jurisdiction report in the July/August 2009 issue of WIPR celebrated a decade of independent industrial design law in Malaysia.   1 December 2010
Jurisdiction reports
False patent marking has become an increasingly popular ‘bounty hunting’ basis for US litigation. The targets of such false lawsuits face huge legal fees and potentially huge monetary judgments.   1 December 2010
Jurisdiction reports
The relative stability of the Brazilian economy and the large amount of public funds earmarked for the national health budget have sparked the interest of the pharmaceutical industry.   1 December 2010
Jurisdiction reports
In Finland, patent litigation proceedings are handled in the first instance by the District Court of Helsinki.   1 December 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Until now, there was little guidance from the UK courts on the scope of indirect (or contributory) patent infringement under section 60(2) of the Patents Act, 1977 (PA77).   1 December 2010
Jurisdiction reports
An essential characteristic of the patent litigation system in Hungary is that patent infringement proceedings and revocation proceedings are strictly separate.   1 December 2010
Jurisdiction reports
The legal system relating to geographical indications in Japan is divided into three major categories.   1 December 2010

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