Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
A common problem of opposition proceedings arises when the rights to a given phrase are acquired by the applicant based on an earlier registration.   1 August 2010
Jurisdiction reports
For the first time in 20 years, in 2009, the number of applications filed under the European Patent Convention (EPC) decreased—by eight percent, from 146,600 in 2008 to 134,500 in 2009.   1 August 2010
Jurisdiction reports
On May 26, 2010, Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture published its draft bill to address copyright infringements on file-sharing networks.   1 August 2010
Jurisdiction reports
On May 12, 2010, Brazil’s delegation to the WTO requested consultations with the EU and the Netherlands over the alleged seizure of shipments of generic drugs en route from India to Brazil and in transit through the Netherlands.   1 August 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Comparative advertising makes claims for a given product over others. While India does not have a dedicated statute governing comparative advertising, it is addressed by the Trademarks Act, 1999.   1 August 2010
Jurisdiction reports
At the beginning of May 2010, the Municipal Court of Bucharest delivered its motivation for a November 2009 court decision in favour of cancelling a Romanian trademark on bad faith grounds.   1 August 2010
Jurisdiction reports
A recent decision of Germany’s Federal Supreme Court in Fischdosendeckel (Fish Tin Cap) concerns the somewhat strange case of negative statements about a competitor’s products in the specification of a patent.   1 June 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Almost 19 years ago, a new concept for providing a so-called ‘pipeline protection’ was incorporated in the new Law of Industrial Property, in force as of June 28, 1991.   1 June 2010
Jurisdiction reports
On April 7, 2010, the Dutch Court of The Hague gave a provisional judgment in the patent case between Mundipharma and Sandoz.   1 June 2010
Jurisdiction reports
The recent implementation of new measures in connection with intellectual property administrative procedures in Peru has brought excellent benefits for the trademark community.   1 June 2010

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