Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
On March 3, 2010, the Supreme Court promulgated its decision in Coffee Partners Inc. v. San Francisco Coffee & Roastery Inc. (San Francisco).   1 June 2010
Jurisdiction reports
On 9 May 2010, a new Trademark Law will enter into force in Romania.   1 June 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Since mid-2009, Canada has been participating in negotiations with the European Union towards an economic partnership agreement known as the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.   1 June 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Engagement in the international intellectual property family has played an active role in the rapid and sound development of China’s own IP system, as statistics show.   1 June 2010
Jurisdiction reports
A Hungarian pharmaceutical company filed a trademark application for a colour/figurative use of the word ‘MultiKid’ with a list of goods.   1 June 2010
Jurisdiction reports
In a much-anticipated development, Israel is to accede to the Madrid Protocol on September 1, 2010. This will make it easier and cheaper for foreign entities to register marks in Israel.   1 June 2010
Jurisdiction reports
The Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives & Consumerism (MDTCC) has recently looked into reviewing all IP acts in Malaysia.   1 June 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Brazil is known internationally as an intellectual property pirate.   1 June 2010
Jurisdiction reports
Domain names in Denmark are regulated by the Act on Internet Domains Specifically Allocated to Denmark (also called Danish Domain Law) and the general terms of business of DK-Hostmaster A/S.   1 June 2010
Jurisdiction reports
A trademark denotes exclusivity and is part of a business’s goodwill. It identifies the products or services of that business. It is also a mark of quality of the product or service offered.   1 June 2010

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