Jurisdiction Reports

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Taiwan’s current Patent Act stipulates a first-to-file system. Taiwan is not a member of the Paris Convention; as such, only national protection is available.   1 January 2010
Our current Industrial Property Law provides that in order to obtain protection of an invention, an application should be filed before the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO).   1 January 2010
The exclusive trademark rights cover the right to use a mark in business and also, when necessary, the right to prohibit others from using in business marks that may cause confusion.   1 January 2010
Patent rights are secured by filing patent applications at the patent office. India is unique in the world in that there are four functionally independent patent offices in four major cities.   1 January 2010
Patent protection in Norway can be obtained by a national application or by an international application (PCT).   1 January 2010
One can choose to acquire a patent in the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg) via a national patent application or a European patent (EP) application, in which the three Benelux countries will be designated.   1 January 2010

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