Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
At the end of 2014, part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which deals with intellectual property, was significantly updated. Since many of the amendments were conceptual in nature, there was a need for a substantial reworking of the regulations at the level of the supervisory authority, the Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent).   18 December 2015
Jurisdiction reports
Although the video platform Popcorn Time seems likely to fall under worldwide pressure for copyright infringement proceedings, a Dutch movie distributor, Dutch FilmWorks, is taking other measures: it has registered both the ‘Popcorn Time’ name and logo as trademarks in the Benelux region.   18 December 2015
Jurisdiction reports
It is very common to find inventions in different technological fields that involve the use of a computer or processor, which control the operation of such inventions or process the data involved in the invention’s operation.   18 December 2015
Jurisdiction reports
Currently 79 countries are party to the Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure.   18 December 2015
Jurisdiction reports
The system of opposing the grant of a patent, which allows any person to file an opposition within six months from the date of publication in the Patent & Utility Model Gazette, has been in force since April 1, 2015. As of October 21, 2015, the number of oppositions filed has reached 119.   18 December 2015
Jurisdiction reports
On September 11, the Supreme Court of Cassation in Italy handed down its ruling in Società Consortile Fonografici v Marco Del Corso, a case that a few years ago resulted in an important judgment by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on copyright law and, in particular, on the interpretation of the concept of “communication to the public” and rights of compensation.   18 December 2015
Jurisdiction reports
The medical device industry in India is estimated to be worth around $3 billion and is expected to grow substantially, with a wide variety of life-saving and non-life saving medical devices including domestic as well as imported products. Imported products account for about 75% of total sales.   18 December 2015
Jurisdiction reports
German unfair competition rules on passing off continue to be relevant in practice. It is not uncommon for a company to miss filing a design or patent covering a product, but it may be able to later file an unfair competition claim against a competitor if it believes its product has been copied.   18 December 2015
Jurisdiction reports
Reputed trademarks, a creation of the Trademarks Directive and Regulation, are of paramount importance, and yet the qualification criteria are still ambiguous. In September, the Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU) decision in Iron & Smith v Unilever brought welcome clarification.   18 December 2015
Jurisdiction reports
In legal terms, contributory infringement of a patent right means an act of deliberately inducing or encouraging a third party to infringe a patent, while the act as such does not directly infringe the patent.   18 December 2015

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