Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
On February 9, 2015, the Italian Supreme Court issued a decision in a case involving a word mark in the English language. The mark in question, ‘Slimmix’, was registered by the Italian company Medicinali e Cosmetici (MEC) in respect of dietary supplements having a slimming function.   1 October 2015
Jurisdiction reports
Many German children are familiar with a dairy dessert called Monsterbacke. For a long time the manufacturer of this dessert, Ehrmann, advertised it using the slogan “As important as your daily glass of milk!”.   1 October 2015
Jurisdiction reports
New French case law has developed regarding the formalities required for copyright assignments related to a work created by individuals, whether or not they are employees.   1 October 2015
Jurisdiction reports
In case MAO:491/15 the Finnish Market Court considered whether Abloy can register ‘12’ as a trademark for metallic door handles in class 12 and non-metallic door handles in class 20 in Finland.   1 October 2015
Jurisdiction reports
The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) probably has the most delays in processing patent applications worldwide. Among the possible causes is the lack of patent examiners. Practitioners have always bought into this idea, but is this actually true? A closer look at the numbers indicates that the scenario is slightly different from the common belief.   1 October 2015
Jurisdiction reports
Regulations on the Prohibition of Conduct Eliminating or Restricting Competition by Abusing Intellectual Property Rights took effect on August 1, 2015. The regulations give the Administration for Industry and Commerce (AIC) the power to use Chinese anti-monopoly law to deal with IP issues.   1 October 2015
Jurisdiction reports
What opportunities are available to creators and owners of new, original, ornamental designs for obtaining meaningful worldwide protection for their intellectual property? That question has always been on the minds of those who have created ornamental or aesthetic aspects of articles where their function meets form. In some countries, industrial designs may be protected under copyright law.   10 August 2015
Jurisdiction reports
In 2014, the Turkish Constitutional Court hit the headlines after cancelling several articles of the Decree Law No. 556 on the Protection of Trademarks. In May, the court struck out two more articles of the law, 16(5) and 7(1)(i), on the basis that they are unconstitutional.   10 August 2015
Jurisdiction reports
Online job banks continue to play an important role in the employee recruitment market due to their convenience and the accelerated growth of the internet. A typical business model of a job bank is that it offers online space for job applicants to upload their resumes. It’s free, so the job bank can collect as many resumes as possible.   10 August 2015
Jurisdiction reports
South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeal was confronted with an interesting case in Mantella Trading 310 v Kusile Mining, where the disputed issues, outside of the expected ones of patentability and infringement, concerned sufficiency.   10 August 2015

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