Jurisdiction Reports

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In May 2015 a Dutch court ruled in a matter concerning the relationship between the interface of a software application (computer program), its source code and copyright.   10 August 2015
Jurisdiction reports
The practice for classifying goods and services in Mexico has undergone many changes over the years, in response to local necessities and amendments to classification from an international perspective.   10 August 2015
Jurisdiction reports
Intellectual property is increasingly becoming a crucial catalyst of business growth in globalised and developing economies such as Malaysia. We have seen a steady growth in patent applications filed in Malaysia in the last decade, which is testament to the nation’s growing and evolving IP industry.   10 August 2015
Jurisdiction reports
To further globalisation, the Japan Patent Office (JPO) is involved with several initiatives that have harmonised Japan’s relationship with overseas countries.   10 August 2015
According to a June 1 decision by the Court of Rome, the uploading of photos on one’s own Facebook wall using the ‘public’ setting does not amount to granting a copyright licence to third parties. Therefore, whoever downloads photos marked ‘public’ from a Facebook wall and uses them without authorisation infringes copyright and may be liable for damages.   10 August 2015
Jurisdiction reports
In Germany, and in Europe for that matter, the trademark ‘Nivea’ for cosmetics is a well-known trademark of the German manufacturer Beiersdorf.   10 August 2015
Jurisdiction reports
In May 2015 Decree No. 2015-511 was adopted on the basis of article 21, section II of Law No. 2000 covering the rights of citizens in their exchanges with the administration (public services), following the approval of Decree No. 2014-1280 in October 2014.   10 August 2015
Jurisdiction reports
On March 24, 2015 the Enlarged Board of Appeal in decision G3/14 gave its opinion on examining the clarity of amended claims during opposition and opposition appeal proceedings.   10 August 2015
Jurisdiction reports
Patent owners in China can enforce their rights through two routes: judicial (ie, Chinese courts) and administrative (ie, local intellectual property offices). The current measures for the administrative enforcement of patents came into effect on February 1, 2011. The State Intellectual Property Office revised these measures and the new version of them took effect on July 1, 2015.   10 August 2015
Jurisdiction reports
The alarm bells started ringing just over a year ago. Canada was finally taking the plunge—joining the Madrid Protocol, the Nice Agreement and the Singapore Treaty, and harmonising its intellectual property framework with the laws of its major trading partners.   10 August 2015

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