Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
Rules about amendments during patent examination and opposition are stricter at the European Patent Office than at the US Patent and Trademark Office, for example. The basis for amendments has to be specified in the patent application as filed.   15 April 2015
The Canadian Copyright Act requires that all assignments of, and grants of interest by licence in, a copyrighted work must be in writing and signed by the copyright owner or the owner’s authorised agent.   16 February 2015
Jurisdiction reports
While a great deal of attention is paid to—and 90% of US court decisions are directed to—utility rather than design patents, far too little attention is afforded to the US design patent.   16 February 2015
Jurisdiction reports
In a trademark infringement case against an online marketplace (whose name is not publicly available), the Turkish Civil Assembly of Chambers held in January 2014 that it was jointly liable for hosting counterfeit products. The case has significant implications for online auction and shopping websites.   16 February 2015
Jurisdiction reports
As reported in WIPR November/December 2014, the Swedish parliament voted in favour of changing the law to permit a Swedish patent applicant to file the application in English.   16 February 2015
The life processes of organisms are controlled, at their root, by a sort of ‘program’ that is encoded in their DNA. This program uses a common set of chemical components as symbols in its language, and translates that language in the same way for nearly all living things.   16 February 2015
Enforcing intellectual property rights in Russia may be done in a number of ways, depending on the nature of the infringement. The usual venues for filing lawsuits are the common, commercial and IP courts. However, as a rule, court proceedings are lengthy, expensive and require effort from the right owner.   16 February 2015
Jurisdiction reports
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) will soon rule on whether it is an abuse of dominant position by the owner of a standard-essential patent (SEP) to sue for infringement a third party that wants to use the patent. SEPs have to be licensed on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms.   16 February 2015
Mexican authorities, particularly the Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT), have approved regulations related to the ‘must offer/must carry’ rules. These rules will apply to the retransmission of over-the-air broadcast signals by cable and direct-to-home (DTH) satellite operators.   16 February 2015
Piet Mondrian was a Dutch painter who lived from 1872 until 1944, and is famous for his cubist paintings. According to the US-based Mondrian Trust, which holds the copyright to most of Mondrian’s works, much (but not all) of the copyright expired on January 1, 2015.   16 February 2015

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