Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
Registering a technological concept or a new technology name as a genuine trademark is sometimes difficult.   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
Generally, appeals against the decisions of the Registrar of Trade Marks are heard by the High Court with the possibility of a further appeal to the Court of Appeal, and a final appeal to the Federal Court if certain preconditions are met.   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
The objective of this article is to show the significance of submitting claims and evidence in trademark status and opposition proceedings before the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO) in a timely manner.   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
Companies and individuals seeking to protect their intellectual property are often faced with a decision between patenting their invention and keeping it a trade secret.   1 May 2013
Jurisdiction reports
Significant changes to both the Canadian Trade-marks Act and the Copyright Act may be coming in the near future.   1 April 2013
Jurisdiction reports
The European Patent Convention (EPC) gives an applicant the possibility of dividing a pending European application by filing one or more divisional applications, which can be divided further.   1 April 2013
Jurisdiction reports
The modernisation efforts of the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) have been welcomed by the local IP community. In March 2013, Commissioner Jorge Avila announced further improvements.   1 April 2013
Jurisdiction reports
France has implemented EU Directive 2011/62/UE June 8, 2011 relating to medicinal products for human use, by enacting an ordinance of December 19, 2012 and a Decree No. 2012-1562 of December 31, 2012.   1 April 2013
Jurisdiction reports
This article does not intend to provide yet another comment on the issue of using community trademarks (CTMs) in one or more countries since the Onel decision has made it clear that use of a CTM is not dependent on national boundaries.   1 April 2013
Jurisdiction reports
Several interesting decisions in intellectual property law have been seen in India since the last report, making it difficult to select reportable cases. We have picked out two that are likely to have a big impact.   1 April 2013

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