Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
It took a 20-year battle for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc (MGM) to get a ruling confirming that sound marks are registrable in Canada.   1 June 2012
The Shanghai Municipal No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court gave its first instance verdict on the copyright lawsuit of Crayon Shin-chan on March 23, 2012.   1 June 2012
Jurisdiction reports
There is a will on the side of the European Patent Office to make patent prosecution more effective and faster.   1 June 2012
The legal protection of databases is defined by European Directive 96/9 of March 11, 1996.   1 June 2012
Jurisdiction reports
The provisions under Section 11(1)(b) and (c) of the Trade Marks Ordinance are the two common grounds for absolute refusal of registration of a trademark in Hong Kong.   1 June 2012
Jurisdiction reports
Trade names have acquired a new significance in the Dominican Republic, as the government has been implementing a series of legal reforms.   1 June 2012
The methods for registering different IP rights at the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office are, in the main, uniform, but owing to a few special properties of the trademark system, there are a few differences.   1 June 2012
Jurisdiction reports
The JPO’s Trademark Appeal Board has rendered a decision that a trademark application filed by our firm should be registered on the grounds that the applied-for trademark has become 'well-known'.   1 June 2012
Jurisdiction reports
The Mexican Industrial Property Law (MIPL) distinguishes between well-known and famous trademarks, giving the latter wider protection than is given to well-known marks.   1 June 2012
Jurisdiction reports
A new unitary European Union patent is supposed to be the successor of the European patent (EP).   1 June 2012

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