Jurisdiction Reports

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Patents are granted for new inventions (worldwide novelty) that express an inventive advance and are industrially applicable.   1 June 2012
Protection of a patent in Norway is obtained by a national application, by nationalisation of a Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) application within the 31-month term, or by validation of a European patent.   1 June 2012
Patent rights in Mexico are secured by the filing of a patent application in strict compliance with the Mexican Industrial Property Law.   1 June 2012
Malaysia provides a comprehensive legal framework governing the various intellectual property rights.   1 June 2012
Patent rights are enforceable by the Patents Act of Belize.   1 June 2012
Applicants can apply to the Japan Patent Office to obtain a patent. Foreign applicants can take action under the Paris Convention and/or initiate a Patent Cooperation Treaty national-phase application.   1 June 2012
Once the Cyprus Department of Customs and Excise Duties (CCED) becomes aware of any suspicious goods that could result in infringement of an IP right, it will suspend the release of the goods and detain them for three working days.   1 June 2012
Jurisdiction reports
A right of protection for a trademark is granted by the Polish Patent Office after examination of whether the mark applied for is eligible for registration in Poland on relative and absolute grounds.   1 June 2012
Jurisdiction reports
The Romanian courts have recently been confronted with an issue that has not been previously been brought before them. The issue relates to the enforcement of a European patent which has been modified during opposition proceedings.   1 June 2012
Jurisdiction reports
To encourage researchers and scientists in higher educational institutions to avail themselves of patent protection for their inventions, the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines launched the PPIP this year.   1 June 2012

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