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The UK Intellectual Property Office, lawyers and industry have provided an update on how IP rights will be affected by Brexit.   18 September 2019
A foundation established by the late historian Ehsan Yarshater has taken Columbia University to court, one month after the university sued the foundation over ownership of the Encyclopedia Iranica, a scholarly resource on Persian and Iranian history.   18 September 2019
Recent studies have highlighted an alarming trend in counterfeiting. Right owners must offer a strong response, says Frédéric Blanc of Dennemeyer & Associates France.   17 September 2019
Patents for new cancer-busting immunotherapy treatments are some of the hottest rights around, explains Iain Armstrong of HGF.   17 September 2019
With some 4,000 unheard cases and multiple vacancies unfilled, India’s Intellectual Property Appellate Board could be regarded as unfit for purpose. But, as WIPR’s Saman Javed discovers, the country’s lawyers carry on regardless.   17 September 2019
Excitement is building around a new scheme to tackle Brazil’s patent backlog, says Ricardo D Nunes of Daniel Law.   17 September 2019
Efforts to reduce Brazil’s patent backlog are bearing fruit and the country’s long-suffering lawyers are cautiously optimistic, as WIPR’s Sarah Morgan finds.   17 September 2019
With a no-deal Brexit looming over the UK, time is running out to address rights owners’ key concerns, as WIPR’s Rory O’Neill reports.   17 September 2019
Jurisdiction reports
France’s draft law on Mobility Orientation, adopted in first reading by the National Assembly, if adopted will liberalise the market of certain spare parts used to repair motor vehicles.   17 September 2019
Jurisdiction reports
The question under which circumstances the use of a sign identical with a trademark in Google AdWords advertisements constitutes a trademark infringement has been the subject of several decisions of the German Federal Court of Justice and the Court of Justice of the EU in the past.   17 September 2019

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