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A New York-based fashion designer has accused shopping channel QVC of copying her slimming jeans, called SkinnyJeans.   18 May 2018
China is on course to overtake the US as the world’s leading source of trademark applications filed on foreign registers by 2020, according to new research by CompuMark.   18 May 2018
Jurisdiction reports
European trademark law is changing as a result of the so-called ‘trademark reform package’, which contains a new regulation (2017/1001) on European Union trademarks and a new directive (2015/2436).   18 May 2018
Jurisdiction reports
Last September the International Trademark Association (INTA) released the results of an impact study conducted by Frontier Economics across five major Association of Southeast Asian Nations economies, showing the correlation between trademarks and their economic contribution to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), employment and share of exports.   18 May 2018
Jurisdiction reports
Have you ever received an invoice from the EPTR (“European Patent and Trademark Register”), OHMI (“Office for International Registration”), “The Community Trademark Register”, or something similar? Is the invoice marked with a sign that looks very similar (but not 100% identical) to the logo of the EU IP Office (EUIPO), the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO), or a mix of them?   18 May 2018
Jurisdiction reports
The IP rights environment has become very internationally-focused lately. IP owners have many opportunities to protect their IP rights globally, but enforcement of IP rights is still mainly based on national requirements and processes with country specifics and peculiarities. This is also the case in Russia.   18 May 2018
In Japan, there are two different types of exclusive-use licences relating to patents: (1) a senyo jisshiken (a registered exclusive licence), and (2) a dokusenteki tsujo jisshiken (a semi-exclusive licence).   18 May 2018
Jurisdiction reports
Mexico’s IP system is organised and implemented by the Mexican Institute for Industrial Property (IMPI), an administrative body, handling and granting IP registrations.   18 May 2018
Jurisdiction reports
Few would have imagined a decade or two ago that an industry supporting legal marijuana use in the US would be expected to exceed more than $20 billion by the end of this decade. Yet here we are, with a majority of states now allowing the medical use of cannabis. Some states now also permit the recreational use of pot.   18 May 2018
Trademark owners cannot oppose a parallel importer’s further commercialisation of a medical device in its original packaging when a label that has been added to the packaging does not threaten the trademarked device’s guarantee of origin.   17 May 2018

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