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Plain tobacco packaging legislation has been implemented in countries including Australia and the United Kingdom, and while India has made moves to follow suit, there is as yet no sign of any such laws. Naomi Jeffreys reports ahead of a special session at the Annual Meeting. 22 May 2017
Representatives from the five trademark offices known as the TM5 came together to discuss bad-faith trademark filing yesterday, with the focus on using case studies to formulate enforcement strategies. 22 May 2017
A passing off dispute in India has clarified the main points that rights owners should follow when seeking to defend a trademark, as Geetanjali Visvanathan of Anand and Anand explains. 22 May 2017
At the end of a long day at the Annual Meeting, why not explore Barcelona’s tapas bars to help you unwind? Uldduz Larki lists some of the best places to visit. 21 May 2017
INTA is proud to announce that it recently launched a pilot program to establish a global Pro Bono Clearinghouse. 21 May 2017
The new gTLDs and the challenges they pose for trademark owners are keeping INTA’s Internet Committee busy. Sarah Morgan talks to the Committee’s Chair and Vice Chair, John McElwaine and Paul McGrady, and INTA Senior Director of Internet Policy Lori Schulman, to find out more. 21 May 2017
The Trademark Administrators Brunch will provide a lively discussion on working with trademark professionals globally, writes TMA Brunch Subcommittee member Ingrid Jahr of Kuhnen & Wacker, Germany. 21 May 2017
Nearly 600 companies applied for their own “dot brand” generic top-level domain (gTLD). Today at 2:00 pm, you can find out how some of these businesses are using their Internet real estate during an exciting panel discussion covering a range of dot brand issues. 21 May 2017
Panelists from Colombia and Switzerland spoke today about the challenges of protecting geographical indications in the face of multiple threats. 21 May 2017
Similarities and differences in the compensation structure that European law firms use were discussed yesterday during a panel discussion. 21 May 2017
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