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Jurisdiction reports
A new category of trademarks—historical trademarks of national interest—was introduced last year in Italy by law decree number 34 of April 30, 2019 (converted with amendments into law decree number 58 of June 28, 2019).   29 April 2020
Jurisdiction reports
The liability of e-commerce platforms acting in the capacity of intermediaries has been subject to judicial scrutiny in India in the recent past under various business scenarios.   29 April 2020
Jurisdiction reports
The EU Directive approximating the laws of the member states relating to trademarks has been implemented in France.   29 April 2020
The Court of Justice of the European Union will resume hearings from May 25, if conditions allow, while, in the US, courts are considering a gradual reopening.   29 April 2020
Christopher Kroon of Duane Morris outlines the role non-disclosure agreements may play as companies band together to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.   29 April 2020
Using AI-backed systems, trademark attorneys are able to make faster, better and cheaper decisions, says Lisa Wright of TrademarkNow.   28 April 2020
Bin Zhang and Lei Fu of CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office advise trademark owners on what evidence they should collect to persuade the Chinese courts to grant higher rates of compensation.   28 April 2020
Changes to the Indian patent rules have improved the IP regime for rights owners, as Ranjan Narula and Suvarna Pandey of RNA, Technology and IP Attorneys explain.   28 April 2020
There have never been so many IP tools and technology aides on the market, but how do you decide which ones are going to help your business? Martin Bijman of TechInsights explains.   28 April 2020
For the IP service provider sector, the past few years have been awash with changes that have altered the way the sector develops and operates. What is the new normal, and how will this change in the coming year? Sarah Morgan of WIPR reports.   28 April 2020

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