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Victor seeks injunctive relief and further damages | Sonos presses for consumer notice and supply chain accountability in patent infringement case. 19 June 2023
India-headquartered firms have infringement claim by Canadian competitor stayed | Case heard in UK since case began pre-Brexit | Judge Hacon stated that evidence supplied by claimant was ‘hard to follow’ but stayed proceedings pending an EU mark decision. 19 June 2023
Californian brewery loses appeal to revive ‘Stone’ EU trademark | Brewer argued that Brexit caused legal uncertainties that impacted proceedings 16 June 2023
The Latin American e-commerce platform is using tech to proactively pursue counterfeit sellers on its site, finds Marisa Woutersen. 16 June 2023
Transparency rules over copyrighted content used in training data increase risks for foundational AI developers| Landmark AI Act thought to be the first of its kind in the world | Insights from Taylor Wessing, Gowling WLG, Appleyard Lees, Bird & Bird, Marks & Clerk and Potter Clarkson. 15 June 2023
The former US president is facing a trial and potential prison time, but is he also the subject of a trademark dispute that could have profound implications for the Lanham Act? 15 June 2023
The association’s rare statement before the CJEU raises critical questions on the assessment of relative grounds for refusal in EU trademark applications. 14 June 2023
Computer chip giant convinces US tribunal to invalidate second patent in dispute that originally cost $2.2bn in damages | Verdict removes remaining $1.5bn award after appeal was lodged by patent holding company. 14 June 2023
With no electronic registration, protecting a mark can be beset with delays and complexity. Raquel Teles of Inventa explains what to look out for. 14 June 2023
Court dismisses Italian designer’s claim over the caped crusader’s symbol | DC Comics scores victory as bat logo is protected for costumes and masks. 13 June 2023
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