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Influential Women in IP
Managing partner oversees a varied range of global patent portfolios, often acting as the ‘in-house’ attorney for multinational clients. 22 December 2023
Patents Channel
This year saw some notable developments relating to artificial intelligence, patent eligibility and the Fintiv rule, write Manita Rawat and Alexander Stein of Morgan Lewis. 22 December 2023
Copyright Channel
The courts of England and Wales have had to grapple with novel arguments on trademark law in 2023, says Varuni Paranavitane of Finnegan. 22 December 2023
Notifications to the e-commerce company’s infringement system fell within the unjustified threats statutory regime | Communication issues arose in a patent dispute between US and Chinese lithium-ion battery manufacturers. 21 December 2023
Trademarks Channel
From the UPC and GIs to Gummy Bears and Lewis Hamilton—Nick Bolter and Eva Baliner-Poggi of Morgan Lewis walk us through the EU's highlights. 21 December 2023
The seasoned patent litigator has experience in appeals before the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. 20 December 2023
Patents Channel
As Stephen Thaler’s DABUS machine faces its latest knock-back at the UK Supreme Court, lawyers share their thoughts on the ruling and why a key question remains unanswered. 20 December 2023
Luxury fashion house launches latest bid to defend logo | Suit alleges unauthorised use of Chanel trademarks in phone products. 20 December 2023
ITC decision found that tech giant had infringed two patents owned by California-based medtech company | Move marks the latest twist in a long-running feud that could see a permanent ban on Apple’s products. 19 December 2023
Author of Lord of the Rings ‘sequel’ faces double setback with the loss of two lawsuits to Tolkien and Amazon | Case described as an important victory in preventing unauthorised exploitation of Tolkien's cherished works. 19 December 2023
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