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The Ridge Wallet alleges patent and trade dress infringement | Firm makes compact wallets with RFID-blocking technology.   13 March 2023
Jack Daniel’s accuses a court of eviscerating the core protections of trademark law | Ruling could have “staggering implications for consumers and mark owners” | Jack Daniel’s accused of muzzling free speech by opponent.   13 March 2023
EU General Court determines similarity with The a2 Milk Company mark | Signs held to be phonetically similar with visual differences.   10 March 2023
New addition has held several high-level positions in the US government and the private sector.   10 March 2023
Unified Patent Court temporarily removes some functionality from opt-out system for ‘privacy and security’ reasons | New guidance also given on registration of representatives.   10 March 2023
Questions broach the costs incurred by the unlicensed use of IP by a Chinese phone maker | Rights of IP holders in the telecoms sector raised | Nokia | Oppo.   9 March 2023
Fitness firms found to have infringed Dish Network video-streaming technology | Commission orders ban but one party insists users won't be affected.   9 March 2023
The new partner boosts Orrick’s litigation practice, and brings key trial experience for high-stakes tech patent disputes.   9 March 2023
Patent applicants should take note of changes to how the UK calculates the compliance date for divisional applications, explain Parminder Lally and Debora Dorn.   8 March 2023
Influential Women in IP
As we mark International Women’s Day, female IP leaders share their thoughts on how equity is fundamentally different to equality, and why recognising this distinction is crucial.   8 March 2023

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