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Rogue behaviour by Chinese trademark agencies is a warning to applicants, explains Haoyu Feng of Chofn.   27 April 2022
Changes to China’s Copyright Law have created stronger copyright protection in the digital environment but issues remain, explains Yang Shi of CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office - China.   27 April 2022
In Japan, there are ongoing hot debates on Standard Essential Patents in the various interested authorities. In this session, Takanori Abe will explore some of the latest discussions amongst government agencies, such as:   26 April 2022
The Court of Justice of the European Union has dismissed Poland’s attempt to annul article 17 of the Digital Single Market Directive over freedom of expression concerns.   26 April 2022
The Walt Disney Company has been accused of infringing patents for facial capture technology in several “Avengers” and “Star Wars” movies.   26 April 2022
Influential Women in IP
World Intellectual Property Day 2022, held today, celebrates the ingenuity and creativity of young people.   26 April 2022
Knowing the part intellectual property plays in driving creativity will put you one step ahead of the competition, says Mark Simpson of Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr.   26 April 2022
All may be deemed fair in love and war but as muslim dating site Muzmatch discovered in its dispute with Tinder-owned Match Group, courts have a different view when it comes to trademarks.   25 April 2022
The US Patent and Trademark Office is seeking input to help formalise the process that allows the director to review decisions handed down by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.   25 April 2022
Jurisdiction reports
When one thinks about vaccines, it’s not likely that the subject of patents will come to mind. And yet, patents are the most powerful force behind the research and development of vaccines. Big pharma would otherwise certainly not invest the time and what can be hundreds of millions of dollars required to try to come up with a safe and effective vaccine.   24 April 2022

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