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UK-based IP firm Mathys & Squire has expanded its hold in Europe with a new team in Munich.   2 July 2019
The US National Women’s Hockey League is seeking a declaration that it is lawfully authorised to use a trademark owned by the Buffalo Beauts hockey team.   2 July 2019
Uber has successfully opposed a trademark application made by Northern Irish mobile phone accessory retailer Uberfone.   2 July 2019
A US court is to decide whether the “anti-circumvention” provision of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act violates the First Amendment.   2 July 2019
A US-based nonprofit, the American Association for Justice is suing a competitor for trademark infringement.   2 July 2019
The Scotts Company, which owns the popular ScottsMiracle-Gro plant food brand, is suing a company which it says is using its marks for products aimed at cannabis and hemp producers.   2 July 2019
International firm Haynes and Boone has added two IP partners to its Chicago office.   1 July 2019
China and the US are to resume negotiations on a new trade deal that has so far proven elusive amid IP-related concerns.   1 July 2019
The uncertainty surrounding Brexit, the advantages of geographical indications protection and new technology being used to identify premium products were the topics during a session at the 38th Annual European Communities Trade Mark Association Conference.   1 July 2019
The US Supreme Court has agreed to rule on two trademark cases, including a dispute over whether plaintiffs must establish wilful infringement in order to be awarded profits.   1 July 2019

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