Johansson & Langlois

San Pío X, Nº 2460,
office 1101,
T: 562 22312424
F: 562 22313434
Patents: Felipe Langlois -
Trademarks: Max Montero -, Christopher Doxrud -
Company profile:
JOHANSSON & LANGLOIS, is a Attorneys-at-Law firm and Agents for Industrial and Intellectual Property matters founded on May 07, 1945.
From the very beginning, the firm strongly focused on Industrial and Intellectual Property, becoming one of the first firms established in Chile that specialized in these legal areas.
We currently have correspondents in many countries around the world and we keep an important portfolio of national and international clients, to whom we provide a complete consultancy service in all legal and technical areas that relate to trademarks, patents, utility models, industrial designs and drawings, layout-designs (topographies) of integrated circuits, copyrights, domain names in internet, geographical indications, appellations of origin and technology transfer.
The professional group of JOHANSSON & LANGLOIS is formed by attorneys specialized in Intellectual and Industrial Property and by engineers with different specialties, trained to give a dedicated service to our clients in all matters related to the prosecution, obtention and defence of patent.
For more than 75 years, we have kept a personalized service with our clients, relying on modern technology, clear working methods and the permanent training of our members, professionals as well as staff, always adapting to our client needs. This has allowed us to have a legal and technical specialization, giving an integral and efficient service to our clients and foreign correspondents, including contentious and non-contentious matters.
We also have an out-sourcing group of advisors, trained in different disciplines that deal with highly specialized technical matters, thus, giving us the possibility of offering a complete and professional service to our clients.
Areas of Specialisation:
Patents, designs, trademarks, domain names, copyrights, vegetal varieties, infringements of IP rights, unfair competition and consumer’s rights protection, innovation and technology transfer, data protection, pharmaceutical and cosmetics regulatory matters.
Association memberships:
AIPPI (Association Internationale pour la Protéction de la Propriété Industrielle), FICPI (Fédération Internationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle), MARQUES (Association of European Trademarks Owners), ECTA (European Communities Trade Mark Asociation), AIPLA (American Intellectual Property Law Association), ASIPI (Asociación Interamericana de la Propiedad Industrial)