Jurisdiction Reports

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Jurisdiction reports
Regulation (EC) No. 469/2009 (which amended Council Regulation [EEC] No. 1768/92), concerning the creation of a supplementary protection certificate (SPC) for medicinal products, and Regulation (EC) No. 1610/96, covering the creation of an SPC for plant protection products, entered into force in Romania on January 1, 2007, the date Romania joined the EU. On the same date, Regulation (EC) No. 1901/2006 on medicinal products for paediatric use entered into force in Romania.   9 August 2016
Jurisdiction reports
The threshold for obtaining copyright protection in the Netherlands is low and entitlement arises when the object is a “work protected by copyright”. In case law this criterion has been given more substance. Copyright protection is granted for works that have an original and individual character and the ‘personal stamp’ of the maker.   9 August 2016
Jurisdiction reports
Mexico used to be one of a few countries that did not have an opposition system incorporated into its intellectual property law. However, accession to the Madrid System in 2014 and to the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement in February 2016 provided a good reason to finally implement one in our country.   9 August 2016
Jurisdiction reports
Patent agents generally have unique educational backgrounds compared to professionals in other legal practice areas. Many patent agents in Malaysia have a tertiary qualification in engineering or sciences.   9 August 2016
Jurisdiction reports
One of an attorney’s favourite things is a good Supreme Court judgment that sums up the most important issues regarding a specific matter and sets the record straight for future decisions of lower courts and administrative authorities. This is even more true when it comes to case law-driven fields, such as trademark law.   9 August 2016
Jurisdiction reports
Questions of design infringement often hinge on the facts of a particular case, but courts have developed—and are constantly in the process of further refining—certain rules that determine if and when a certain product can be said to infringe a certain registered design.   9 August 2016
Jurisdiction reports
Confronted by an increasing number of thefts of information and lack of harmonised regulations, the European Commission took up the issue of protecting trade secrets in 2013.   9 August 2016
Jurisdiction reports
In April 2016, the Supreme People’s Court released the “Annual Report of the Intellectual Property Cases Heard by the Supreme People’s Court in 2015”. According to the report, the Supreme Court accepted 759 IP cases and concluded 754 in 2015.   8 August 2016
Jurisdiction reports
The patent backlog at the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) has been one of the largest in the world for many years. While other patent offices, such as the US Patent and Trademark Office, European Patent Office, Japan Patent Office, China’s State Intellectual Property Office and the Korean Intellectual Property Office have been successful since 2010 in reducing pendency time following the adoption of better procedures, the patent examination delays of the INPI have increased in recent years.   8 August 2016

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