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INTA’s new Strategic Partnerships & Economic Research Department is conducting work across a range of topics and countries, with the Brand Value Special Task Force, Generation Z, and bridge building with non-legal associations as its top priorities for 2018 and beyond. Sheila Francis, INTA’s Director, Strategic Partnerships & Economic Research, tells Sarah Morgan more. 22 May 2018
Unlike some other EU member states, Germany has not implemented tobacco plain packaging legislation. Ed Conlon spoke to Judge Neugebauer of the Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court about the key questions in this area. 22 May 2018
The concepts of sustainability and corporate social responsibility should be front and center of brand owners’ corporate philosophy, as Sarah Morgan hears from two companies. 22 May 2018
The Internet can provide a plethora of opportunities for counterfeiters, so professional sports brands need to remain vigilant in protecting consumers. Aaron McDonald reports. 22 May 2018
The highly complex matter of Brexit is a top priority for INTA’s work in Europe, as Hélène Nicora, INTA’s Chief Representative Officer, Europe, tells Aaron McDonald. 22 May 2018
Saturday’s Session CSA24 The Psychology of Mediation: Analyzing How Parties Negotiate,
moderated by Kevin Hartley, a Partner at Trust Tree Legal (USA), involved a faux dispute between a family-owned, local craft brewery and a multinational tequila conglomerate. 22 May 2018
The IKEA franchising system helps the brand to tackle challenges and boost consumer trust, says Cecilia Emanuelson, IP Counsel at the global franchisor, in an interview with Aislinn Burton. 22 May 2018
Canada’s new IP Strategy proposes some important reforms to the trademark system, as Mark Schaan, Director General, Marketplace Framework Policy Branch, Innovation, Science and Economic Development, tells Ed Conlon. 22 May 2018
Practitioners are curious about the fate of color trademarks in Europe in light of Red Bull Gmbh v. EUIPO, as Aislinn Burton reports. 22 May 2018
Anna Mae Koo and Ann Xu of Vivien Chan & Co. (Hong Kong SAR, China, and China) discuss the top 10 updates this year from the China Trademark Office and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board. 22 May 2018
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