Anatoliy Tesouro /
9 October 2024NewsPatentsMarisa Woutersen

Crocs dismisses ‘patent lie’ claims as ‘meritless’ after court revives rival’s false advertising case

US appeals court orders Crocs to face false advertising claims | Rival is ‘laser-focused on making this trial the beginning of the end of Crocs's audacious lies’ | Ruling targets misleading assertions of patented footwear technology.

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More on this story

11 September 2017   Moulded footwear company Crocs has requested sanctions against rival USA Dawgs in an ongoing trade dress dispute between the parties.
12 February 2021   The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit said on Thursday 11 that Mojave Desert Holdings can appeal against an unfavourable ruling over a key Crocs design patent.
15 August 2017   The US Patent and Trademark Office has invalidated a design patent owned by moulded footwear company Crocs for its famous clog.