29 April 2020PatentsRory O'Neill

Huawei and InterDigital agree licence, end patent litigation

US mobile research company  InterDigital has agreed a patent licence with Chinese smartphone maker  Huawei after two years of negotiations.

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More on this story

29 July 2021   InterDigital has won the first round of a telecommunications standard-essential patent (SEP) dispute with Lenovo, after the English High Court ruled today, July 29, that InterDigital’s patent was valid and infringed.
5 June 2020   The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has affirmed a Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) ruling that invalidated claims in a Huawei patent challenged by Samsung.
4 December 2019   InterDigital has filed a patent infringement suit against Huawei in the UK, for infringing its 3G, 4G and 5G standards-essential patents (SEPs).