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Trademarks Channel
The manufacturer alleges that TJX, Hurley, and others are selling copycat versions of its iconic beach bags | Despite efforts to fight infringement, counterfeiters persist, it says, causing consumer confusion and damaging reputation and sales.   28 May 2024
Patents Channel
Texas jury finds Micron infringed two Netlist patents covering computer memory modules | Micron plans to appeal the verdict citing PTAB invalidation of one asserted patent in April.   28 May 2024
Patents Channel
David Fuentes Lahoz of Bird & Bird explains how protective letters work in Spain and what parties need to know to use this anticipatory defence against potential ex parte preliminary injunctions.   28 May 2024
Artificial Intelligence
The actress’ anger reflects deep concern over AI’s ability to replicate actors' likeness, and the need for clarity over legal protections, reports Marisa Woutersen.   24 May 2024
Future of IP
The author of the AI (Regulation) Bill spoke to Liz Hockley about why the UK needs to urgently establish its own approach to the technology.   24 May 2024
US Court of Appeals revives Core Optical's patent infringement cases against tech giants Nokia, ADVA, and Cisco | Decision overturns previous ruling by California District court concerning optical technology | Ambiguities surrounding inventorship agreements add complexity to the legal dispute.   23 May 2024
The attorney joins from Ladas & Parry and he brings expertise in electronic and computer software technologies, automotive technologies and artificial intelligence.   23 May 2024
After Craig Wright's claims to be the Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto were spectacularly dismissed at the UK High Court, Phil Sherrell and Tristan Sherliker of Bird & Bird, counsel for the winning party, tell WIPR why this was one case they'll never forget.   23 May 2024
Trade secrets
While the Coca-Cola recipe remains a tightly guarded secret, the firm’s senior managing counsel joined an INTA panel exploring how brands are adapting trade secret strategies in light of generative AI. Tom Phillips reports.   23 May 2024
INTA 2024
Restrictions on the advertising of baby formula “a clear attack on brands” says INTA panel | Echoes of prohibition with “bandaged solutions to difficult questions” | ‘Pushback’ from the association over a resolution, says Nestlé GC.   22 May 2024

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