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Jurisdiction reports
US patent and IP law practices, like other practices, have been suddenly and profoundly affected in many ways by the spreading COVID-19 pandemic. This article attempts to provide insights into and examples of the challenges facing patent companies and their patent attorneys as they cope with the inter-related combination of health and financial onslaughts. 17 August 2020
The use of illegal digital services is decreasing significantly in Sweden, most of all by internet users aged 16 to 29, according to a recent survey, “Changed attitudes to illegal streaming”, published February 7, 2020, by Kantar Sifo on behalf of the Swedish Patent and Registration Office. 17 August 2020
Jurisdiction reports
The Italian Industrial Property Code confers autonomous protection on names which become famous in non-commercial fields, regardless of whether they are also registered as trademarks. 17 August 2020
Jurisdiction reports
On the May 27, the District Court of The Hague ruled that Nestlé’s Incredible Burger infringes the EU trademark ‘Impossible Burger’, owned by Impossible Foods, and ordered a pan-European interim injunction. 17 August 2020
The Saudi Authority for Intellectual Property has signed a deal with the Kingdom’s TV regulator to jointly enforce IP rights in the wake of criticism from the World Trade Organisation. 17 August 2020
Influential Women in IP
The proportion of women appointed as arbitrators almost doubled between 2015 and 2019, a new report from the International Council for Commercial Arbitration has revealed. 17 August 2020
The US Supreme Court has been asked to intervene in the long-running copyright dispute over authorship of Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway To Heaven”. 17 August 2020
Texas-based Pixmarx IP has accused Chinese-owned social networking service TikTok of infringing three digital photography patents. 17 August 2020
Jurisdiction reports
With the rapid growth of the internet and globalisation, the marketing of products and services through websites and domain names has become a vital part of brand-building and commerce for trademark owners. 14 August 2020
Jurisdiction reports
In a preliminary decision, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled in April on the responsibility of Amazon warehouse-keepers for the sale by a third-party seller on the online marketplace of perfume bottles for which the rights had not been exhausted. 14 August 2020
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