Photo: Courtesy of Limelight Networks Inc.
14 May 2015Patents

US court says Limelight did not infringe Akamai patent

An appeals court has upheld a US Supreme Court ruling in the Akamai v Limelight case stating that Limelight is not liable for patent infringement because multiple parties had performed different steps of the infringement.

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More on this story

2 June 2014   The US Supreme Court has today overturned rulings in two patent cases that could provide guidance for future infringement lawsuits and limit the power of non-practising entities, sometimes known as “patent trolls”.
14 August 2015   The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has reinstated the $45.5 million damages award in the Akamai v Limelight dispute after it ruled en banc that Limelight is liable for direct infringement.